


There are many scenarios in which you might have to move your data and operating requirements from one server to another. 您可能需要在新的数据中心实施您的解决方案,升级到更大的机器,或者过渡到新硬件或新的 VPS 提供商。

Whatever your reasons, there are many different considerations you should make when migrating from one system to another. Getting functionally equivalent configurations can be difficult if you are not working with a configuration management solution such as Chef, Puppet, or Ansible. 您不仅需要传输数据,还需要配置您的服务以在新机器上以相同的方式运行。

Note: As a general note, modern deployments should always make use of a configuration management system wherever possible, whether they are designed to be transient Kubernetes nodes or they are running a combination of system services and containerized software. This guide will be primarily useful when this is not the case, and services need to be cataloged and migrated manually.

In this guide, you will review how to prepare your source and target systems for a migration. This will include getting your two machines to communicate with SSH keys, and an investigation into which components need to be transferred. You will begin the actual migration in the next article in this series.

Step 1 – Make Backups

The first step to take when performing any potentially destructive action is to create fresh backups. 您不希望在替换启动并运行之前命令破坏当前生产机器上的某些东西的情况。

There are a number of different ways to back up your server. 您的选择将取决于哪些选项对您的场景有意义以及您最熟悉的选项。

If you have access to the physical hardware and a space to backup (disk drive, USB, etc), you can clone the disk using any one of the many image backup solutions available. A functional equivalent when dealing with cloud servers is to take a snapshot or image from within the control panel interface.

Once you have completed backups, you are ready to continue. For the remainder of this guide, you will need to run many of the commands as root, or by using sudo.

Step 2 – Gather Information about the Source System

Before you begin a migration, you should configure your target system to match your source system.

You will want to match as much as you can between the current server and the one you plan on migrating to. You may want to upgrade your current server before migrating to a newer target system, and making another set of backups afterward. The important thing is that they match as closely as possible when starting the actual migration.

Most of the information that will help you decide which server system to create for the new machine can be retrieved with the uname command:

uname -r

This is the version of the kernel that your current system is running. In order to make things go smoothly, it’s a good idea to try to match that on the target system.

You should also try to match the distribution and version of your source server. 如果您不知道您在源计算机上安装的发行版的版本,您可以通过键入以下内容来查找:

cat /etc/issue
OutputUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS \n \l

You should create your new server with these same parameters if possible. In this case, you would create a Ubuntu 20.04 system. You should also try to match the kernel version as closely as possible. Usually, this should be the most up-to-date kernel available from your Linux distro’s repositories.

Step 3 – Set Up SSH Key Access between Source and Target Servers

You’ll need your servers to be able to communicate so that they can transfer files. In order to do this, you should exchange SSH keys between them. You can learn how to configure SSH keys on a Linux server.

You’ll need to create a new key on your target server so that you can add that to your existing server’s authorized_keys file. This is cleaner than the other way around, because this way, the new server will not have a stray key in its authorized_keys file when the migration is complete.

First, on your destination machine, check that your root user doesn’t already have an SSH key by typing:

ls ~/.ssh

如果您看到名为 id_rsa.pubid_rsa 的文件,那么您已经有了密钥,您只需要传输它们。

If you don’t see those files, create a new key pair using ssh-keygen:

ssh-keygen -t rsa


Now, you can transfer the key to the source server by piping it through ssh:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh other_server_ip "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

You should now be able to SSH freely to your source server from the target system without providing a password:

ssh other_server_ip

This will make any further migration steps go much more smoothly.

Step 4 – Create a List of Requirements

Now you’ll actually be doing some in-depth analysis of your system.

During the course of operations, your software requirements can change. 有时旧服务器有一些服务和软件在某一时刻需要,但已被替换。

In general, unneeded services can be disabled and, if completely unnecessary, uninstalled, but taking stock of them can be time-consuming. You’ll need to discover what services are being used on your source server, and then decide if those services should exist on your new server.

The way that you discover services and runlevels depends on the type of “init” system that your server employs. The init system is responsible for starting and stopping services, either at the user’s command or automatically. From about 2014 onward, almost all major Linux distributions adopted an init system called Systemd, and this guide will reflect Systemd.

In order to list that services that are registered with Systemd, you can use the systemctl command:

systemctl list-units -t service
Output  UNIT                                 LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION               >
  accounts-daemon.service              loaded active running Accounts Service          >
  apparmor.service                     loaded active exited  Load AppArmor profiles    >
  apport.service                       loaded active exited  LSB: automatic crash repor>
  atd.service                          loaded active running Deferred execution schedul>
  blk-availability.service             loaded active exited  Availability of block devi>
  cloud-config.service                 loaded active exited  Apply the settings specifi>
  cloud-final.service                  loaded active exited  Execute cloud user/final s>
  cloud-init-local.service             loaded active exited  Initial cloud-init job (pr>
  cloud-init.service                   loaded active exited  Initial cloud-init job (me>
  console-setup.service                loaded active exited  Set console font and keyma>
  containerd.service                   loaded active running containerd container runti>

For its service management, Systemd implements a concept of “targets”. While systems with traditional init systems could only be in one “runlevel” at a time, a server that uses Systemd can reach several targets concurrently. This is more flexible in practice, but figuring out what services are active can be more difficult.


systemctl list-units -t target
Output  UNIT                   LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION
  basic.target           loaded active active Basic System
  cloud-config.target    loaded active active Cloud-config availability
  cloud-init.target      loaded active active Cloud-init target
  cryptsetup.target      loaded active active Local Encrypted Volumes
  getty.target           loaded active active Login Prompts
  graphical.target       loaded active active Graphical Interface
  local-fs-pre.target    loaded active active Local File Systems (Pre)
  local-fs.target        loaded active active Local File Systems
  multi-user.target      loaded active active Multi-User System
  network-online.target  loaded active active Network is Online


systemctl list-unit-files -t target
OutputUNIT FILE                     STATE           VENDOR PRESET
basic.target                  static          enabled
blockdev@.target              static          enabled
bluetooth.target              static          enabled
boot-complete.target          static          enabled
cloud-config.target           static          enabled
cloud-init.target             enabled-runtime enabled
cryptsetup-pre.target         static          disabled
cryptsetup.target             static          enabled
ctrl-alt-del.target           disabled        enabled

From here, you can find out which services are associated with each target. Targets can have services or other targets as dependencies, so you can see which policies each target implements by typing:

systemctl list-dependencies target_name.target

multi-user.target is a commonly used target on Systemd servers that is reached at the point in the startup process when users are able to log in. 例如,您可以键入如下内容:

systemctl list-dependencies multi-user.target
● ├─apport.service
● ├─atd.service
● ├─console-setup.service
● ├─containerd.service
● ├─cron.service
● ├─dbus.service
● ├─dmesg.service
● ├─docker.service
● ├─grub-common.service
● ├─grub-initrd-fallback.service

This will list the dependency tree of that target, giving you a list of services and other targets that are started when that target is reached.

Checking Services Through Other Methods

While most services configured by your package manager will be registered with the init system, some other software, such as Docker deployments, may not be.

You can try to find these other services and processes by looking at the network ports and Unix sockets being used by these services. In most cases, services communicate with each other or outside entities in some way. There are only a certain number of server interfaces on which services can communicate, and checking those interfaces is a good way to spot other services.

One tool that you can use to discover network ports and in-use Unix sockets is netstat. You can run netstat with the -nlp flags in order to get an overview:

netstat -nlp
  • -n specifies that numerical IP addresses should be shown in the output, rather than hostnames or usernames. When checking a local server, this is usually more informative.
  • -l specifies that netstat should only display actively listening sockets.
  • -p displays the process ID (PID) and the name of each process using the port or socket.
OutputActive Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      104207/vault
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      3691671/nginx: mast
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      3691671/nginx: mast
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      3691671/nginx: mast
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      197885/stunnel4
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      162540/systemd-reso
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      129518/sshd: /usr/s
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      99465/node /root/he
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      3691671/nginx: mast
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      3691671/nginx: mast
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      170269/docker-proxy
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      3691671/nginx: mast
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      129518/sshd: /usr/s
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      3691671/nginx: mast
tcp6       0      0 :::56733                :::*                    LISTEN      170275/docker-proxy
udp        0      0 *                           162540/systemd-reso
raw6       0      0 :::58                   :::*                    7           162524/systemd-netw
raw6       0      0 :::58                   :::*                    7           162524/systemd-netw
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   PID/Program name     Path
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     5313074  1/systemd            /run/systemd/userdb/io.systemd.DynamicUser
unix  2      [ ACC ]     SEQPACKET  LISTENING     12985    1/systemd            /run/udev/control
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     12967    1/systemd            /run/lvm/lvmpolld.socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     12980    1/systemd            /run/systemd/journal/stdout
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     16037236 95187/systemd        /run/user/0/systemd/private

netstat output contains two separate blocks — one for network ports, and one for sockets. If you see services here that you do not have information about through the init system, you’ll have to figure out why that is and whether you intend to migrate those services as well.

You can get similar information about the ports that services are making available by using the lsof command:

node\x20/   99465            root   20u  IPv4 16046039      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
vault      104207           vault    8u  IPv4  1134285      0t0  TCP *:8200 (LISTEN)
sshd       129518            root    3u  IPv4  1397496      0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd       129518            root    4u  IPv6  1397507      0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
systemd-r  162540 systemd-resolve   12u  IPv4  5313507      0t0  UDP
systemd-r  162540 systemd-resolve   13u  IPv4  5313508      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
docker-pr  170269            root    4u  IPv4  1700561      0t0  TCP *:56733 (LISTEN)
docker-pr  170275            root    4u  IPv6  1700573      0t0  TCP *:56733 (LISTEN)
stunnel4   197885        stunnel4    9u  IPv4  1917328      0t0  TCP *:1936 (LISTEN)
sshd      3469804            root    4u  IPv4 22246413      0t0  TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
nginx     3691671            root    7u  IPv4  2579911      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691671            root    8u  IPv4  1921506      0t0  TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691671            root    9u  IPv6  1921507      0t0  TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691671            root   10u  IPv6  1921508      0t0  TCP *:443 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691671            root   11u  IPv4  1921509      0t0  TCP *:443 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691671            root   12u  IPv4  2579912      0t0  TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691671            root   13u  IPv4  2579913      0t0  TCP *:1935 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691674        www-data    7u  IPv4  2579911      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691674        www-data    8u  IPv4  1921506      0t0  TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691674        www-data    9u  IPv6  1921507      0t0  TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691674        www-data   10u  IPv6  1921508      0t0  TCP *:443 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691674        www-data   11u  IPv4  1921509      0t0  TCP *:443 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691674        www-data   12u  IPv4  2579912      0t0  TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)
nginx     3691674        www-data   13u  IPv4  2579913      0t0  TCP *:1935 (LISTEN)

Both netstat and lsof are core Linux process management tools that are useful in a variety of other contexts.

Step 5 – Gathering Package Versions

At this point, you should have a good idea about what services are running on your source machine that you should be implementing on your target server.

You should have a list of services that you know you will need to implement. For the transition to go smoothly, it is important to attempt to match versions wherever possible.

You shouldn’t necessarily try to review every single package installed on the source system and attempt to replicate it on the new system, but you should check the software components that are important for your needs and try to find their version number.

You can try to get version numbers from the software itself, sometimes by passing -v or --version flags to each command, but this is more straightforward to do through your package manager. If you are on an Ubuntu/Debian based system, you can see which version of a package is installed using the dpkg command:

dpkg -l | grep package_name

If you are instead on a Rocky Linux, RHEL, or Fedora-based system, you can use rpm for the same purpose:

rpm -qa | grep package_name

This will give you a good idea of the package version that you want to match. Make sure to retain the version numbers of any relevant software.


You should now have a good idea of what processes and services on your source server need to be transferred over to your new machine. You should also have the preliminary steps completed to allow your two servers to communicate with each other.

迁移的基础工作现已完成。 In the next article in this series, you will begin the actual migration process.