

React Router 允许从 URL 中读取信息作为参数。


这只是 Routepath 属性的问题; 任何以冒号开头的段都将被视为参数:

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <Route exact path="/" component={HomePage}/>
          {/* Parameters are defined by placing a colon before a word. */}
          {/* In this case, `username` is a parameter. */}
          {/* Parameters will be passed to the component. */}
          <Route path="/Users/:username" component={UserPage}/>

当 URL 与路径匹配时(例如:'/Users/Kevin'),将呈现该路由。


当然,除非您可以访问参数,否则它并没有多大意义。 因此,React Router 将它们作为属性传递:

// Data from `Route` will be passed as a prop called `match`.
function UserPage({ match }) {
  return (
      {/* The URL is passed as `match.url`. */}
      {/* `match.url` and `match.path` will be defined whether or not the path is parameterized. */}
      <div>{`The URL is "${match.url}"!`}</div>
      {/* The path (the one you gave `Route`) is passed as `match.path`. */}
      <div>{`It matched the path "${match.path}"!`}</div>
      {/* The parameters are passed as `match.params`. */}
      <div>{`The parameter is "${match.params.username}"!`}</div>

match.params 将填充来自 URL 的值(即 对于 '/Users/Kevin'username 将是 'Kevin')。

参数可以在路径的任何部分,而不仅仅是在末尾; 例如,如果你想添加一个关于用户朋友的页面,你可以在 /Users/:username/Friends 处创建一个路由。